Barton Accredited to CE Mark Silos
Barton Fabrications, the UK’s largest manufacturer of aluminium storage silos, has achieved accreditation to CE mark its vessels to EN 1090: this ensures compliance with the latest Construction Products Regulations. The standard gives customers the confidence that the silos, pipework, gantries and ladders supplied by Barton, which are all considered structural products, have traceability and conform to mandatory structural requirements.
Commenting on the accreditation Mark Barton, Managing Director and owner of Barton Fabrications said:
Barton Fabrications programme of continual improvement has included CE Mark 1090 accreditation – photograph shows a coded welder working on a new aluminium silo
“We are delighted to receive the accreditation as this recognises the high level of design, procurement, manufacturing and quality control standards we adopt. We have further enhanced our processes as part of the accreditation assessment – this has included using coded welders for all structural components and improving our job card system.“Buyers have a responsibility to ensure that the structural products they procure from their suppliers meet all relevant standards and the CE Marked certification we issue with every silo gives buyers the confidence that they have minimised procurement risk”
The now mandatory Construction Products Regulations replace the Construction Products Directive and dictate that any steel or aluminium construction product, which includes silos, are CE Marked to the harmonised European Standard EN 1090. Barton supply full CE documentation electronically following installation of any silo or other structural component supplied.